Please help us to serve you better by completing this survey. It should take around 5 minutes to complete.
Your Name
Your Email
Company Name
For service received in 2022, please rate the Sales Department on the following services:
Communication: ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
RFQ Response Time: ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
Technical Quality / Knowledge : ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
For service received in 2022, please rate the Customer Relations Department on the following services:
Response Time: ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
For service received in 2022, please rate the following processes:
Documentation: ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
Shipping and Delivery: ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
Please rate your Overall Experience from Sales to Delivery. ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryFairPoor
Would you recommend our product / service to others?DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not
Overall, the product / service met my expectations?Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Thinking of similar products / services offered by others, how would you compare the product/service offered by Mechanical Rubber?Much BetterSomewhat BetterAbout the SameSomewhat WorseMuch Worse
Thank you for your time.